Monday, April 14, 2014

What Makes Me "Cool"

I read on reddit once that just because you travel to a new place doesn't make you cool. I tried to explain that to someone last night. Just because you change your surroundings, you don't elevate your status, whatever that means. I guess it makes us appear cool to people that we don't know that well, like an acquaintance or a potential employer. If you are from Europe, you could travel to multiple countries in a week. Plus, it's not uncommon for people to be bi- or even tri-lingual. Maybe it just seems cool from the American perspective. 

Anyway, I contend that what makes us "cool" are experiences. Just because I am planning on going to Peru doesn't make me extraordinary, but what I will learn will add to my character and personality. The mission was a great thing n my life, but it wasn't just because I changed my surroundings; I worked hard, I sacrificed, I developed my social skills, time management skills, and self-discipline. I learned how to work closely with others toward a common goal, among other things. So I guess it's not the change in scenery, but the skills involved in adapting to that new setting, that makes us more interesting and seasoned individuals. 

People ask me why I'm going to Peru. Apart from the "to travel and I've got an internship" answer, I like to say "to experience life, gain more confidence, grow, be more independent, and develop myself." As I come closer to leaving, I'm reminded how crazy this idea is. 

But I won't give it up. I will follow through. And you can see who I've become at the end of it all.

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